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From Juniper to Botanicals: The Flavours of Gin Explained

If you have ever had gin before, you must know that it is truly one-of-a-kind alcohol.

With its distinct flavour profile and versatile nature, gin has become a staple in bars and homes around the world. From classic London dry gins to more complex, herbaceous varieties, there's a gin out there for everyone.

 Whether you're a seasoned gin connoisseur or a newcomer to the spirit, discover  the unique flavours of gin, what makes each one special, and new found appreciation for this beloved spirit. So sit back, pour yourself a glass, and let's dive into the world of gin.

What is gin?

Gin is a distilled spirit that has been enjoyed by people all over the world for centuries. It originated in the Netherlands in the 17th century and quickly became popular in Britain, where it was used to treat various ailments, including malaria.

Today, gin is a staple in many bars and homes, and its popularity continues to grow.

What makes gin so unique?

Apart from other spirits, gin's distinct flavours come from a combination of juniper berries and other botanicals. The use of juniper berries is what defines gin and gives it its piney taste.

In fact, gin must contain juniper berries by law in order to be called gin. But beyond juniper, the other botanicals used can vary greatly depending on the brand and recipe.

So what makes the essence of a good gin?


Juniper is the primary botanical used in gin and gives it its signature piney flavour. It's a small, green berry that grows on the juniper tree and is typically harvested in the fall. Juniper is what sets gin apart from other spirits and is the reason why it's sometimes referred to as "juniper-flavoured vodka.”



Many gins include citrus botanicals such as lemon, lime, grapefruit, and orange. These give the gin a bright and fresh flavour which is perfect for summertime cocktails. Citrus botanicals are often used in London dry gins, which are known for their classic, straightforward taste.


Herbs and Spices

Gin can also be infused with various herbs and spices, such as coriander, angelica root, orris root, cardamom, and cinnamon. These botanicals give the gin a more complex flavour profile, with earthiness, spice, and warmth notes. Some gins even include floral botanicals such as lavender, chamomile, or rose petals, which give the gin a delicate, floral aroma.


Fruit and Floral

In addition to citrus and floral botanicals, some gins feature fruit or floral notes. For example, sloe gin is made from sloe berries with a tart, plum-like flavour. Elderflower gin is infused with elderflowers' sweet, delicate flavour, while rhubarb gin has a tangy, tart taste.

The beauty of gin is its versatility. With so many different botanicals to choose from, each gin has a unique flavour that can be enjoyed on its own or in a cocktail.

Whether you prefer a classic London dry gin or a more complex, herbaceous gin, there's a gin out there for everyone. So why not try something new and discover your new favourite gin today?

For a taste of Provence, we advise you to give the delicate and elegant Mistral Gin a go. This handcrafted beauty is distilled from wine made with Provençal grapes and is then infused with 12 herbs and botanicals. 

Visit our website to shop this delicious gin or check out our blog to learn more about your favourite drinks!

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