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5 things you can do with beer apart from drink it!

The well-liked brew known for its malty and bitter flavour is actually more versatile than you may think. If you are not a beer lover but don’t intend to waste the bottles fermenting in your cupboard, why not use them to try a few of these ideas?

Beer batter and beer-based sauces:

Beer batter is a common recipe often used for deep frying fish and onion rings. The simple batter recipe is enhanced due to the effects of the added beer. The extra carbon dioxide and alcohol content replacing the traditional water or milk addition speeds up the effects of evaporation which result in a light, crispy coating.

In sauces, you can use beer to add another level of flavour to both savoury and sweet dishes. For example, you can add beer to a barbecue sauce to balance out the classic sweet tastes.

Beer hair rinse:

It has been discovered that beer can be used as a hair rinse to enhance the appearance of your hair. The reason is due to the vitamin B found in malt, a key ingredient in the makeup of beer, which can work to repair the hair cuticle, boosting shine. In addition, there are many other proteins in beer which have been found beneficial to improving hair health. 

After your usual shampoo and conditioning process, pour an amount of flat beer through your hair strands and massage it in for a few minutes, then wash out with clean water.

Bake beer bread:

Follow a simple bread recipe, then add the beer and oil to the dough. Why add beer? The extra carbon dioxide in beer will cause the yeast to react at a quicker rate, creating air bubbles within the dough whilst it is baking. This results in a light fluffy texture, perfect for your loaf.


Beer Can Chicken:

Yes you heard us right! Beer Can Chicken is a trend that has been sweeping the globe and is particularly popular during barbecue season. Empty half a can of beer (keep that to drink later) and pop the chicken on top of the can, the beer helps keep the chicken moist during cooking and also adds a great depth of flavour. 


Get creative:

After you’ve drunk the beer, cooked with beer or baked with it, it is time to get creative. Beer cans and bottles can be turned into vases, candle holders, clocks and much more. Not only will you have a quirky accessory for your home, you are also helping the planet by recycling and repurposing something that would otherwise end up in the bin, it's a win-win.

We hope we have inspired you with our 5 things to do with beer apart from drinking it! Check out our Lagers and Ales sections to find the perfect beer to try all of these fun tips.

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